Entry Deadline October 7, 2024


Click on each category item below to view the entry requirements. 

Entry Requirements:

  • Up to 12 images that represent entry (to be used in awards show, website, PR)
  • Floor plan saved as PDF or JPEG

Home of the Year Eligibility Requirements:

  • This home must have been completed outside of the domestic United States between Jan. 1, 2018 and Oct. 7, 2023.
  • Previously entered winning projects are not eligible to submit again for the same category.

Judging Criteria:

  • Level Playing Field. Judges will always take into consideration the level of commitment that can be afforded by each applicant – so that smaller or poorer areas have just as much chance of success as bigger or richer ones. Ex. Uganda versus Paris.
  • International Product. The project MUST have been completed outside of the domestic United States
  • Local Culture. Does this home show evidence of making a distinct contribution to the local culture?
  • Age of project. This home must have been completed outside of the domestic United States between Jan. 1, 2018 and Oct. 7, 2023. Projects older than 5 years will not be considered. (No On the Board Projects Accepted).
  • Innovation. Does the home have products and/or services which are new (or
    significantly changed) make a positive difference for the home building industry?
  • Functionality. Does the home have products and/or services easy to use or apply for
    builders and/or consumers?
  • Does the home have products and/or services which are new (or significantly changed) make a positive difference for the home building industry?
  • Does the home have products and/or services easy to use or apply for builders and/or consumers?
  • Building Challenge(s) Solutions. Does the home have innovative techniques and technology to solve building challenge(s)?
  • Sustainability, health and wellness. Does the home have protocols for sustainability, health and wellness?
  • Unique Marketing Approach. Does the home have products and/or services that have
  • been successfully marketed in a unique way?
  • Lessons learned. Have the lessons learned through this home building process brought
  • about a positive change for the global home building market?


  • Global membership is not required.

Home Type Definitions:
Home types include single-family detached and attached homes, as well as manufactured homes on fee simple or leased lots. Detached refers to a home that is free of any shared walls and stands alone. Attached refers to a home that shares a common party wall often on both sides of the property. Square Footage is defined as all living space as measured to the interior face of the exterior walls and does not include garages, unfinished basements, attics, covered patios and porches. Universal Design refers to designs and features that make housing usable by persons with a broad range of needs. It is inclusionary design that applies to spaces, features, and products to maximize the number of people who can function independently in an environment.

Sustainability, Health and Wellness Elements:
Use the image/photograph upload area to demonstrate these specific features. Professional photography is not required. Images could include, but are not limited to, air quality, water quality, lighting, thermal, acoustics, biophilic elements.

Entry Requirements:

BM & CC Eligibility Requirements

  • Global Product: Is this a Builder Material, Construction Component, Exterior product, Interior Product, Technology solutions, Mechanicals, Appliances, Home Furnishings developed by professional designers, architects, product development companies, product manufacturers and/or other business in this industry worldwide?
  • Global companies: (companies outside of the U.S.) that offer products or services from developers, builders, subcontractors, remodelers and lenders to global consumers.
  • Photography Requirements for All Categories: It is highly recommended that for all categories that are not strictly interior architecture or design, marketing or individual that sufficient exterior photography be submitted to demonstrate the design characteristics of the home, residential building or community. Entries without sufficient exterior photography, if applicable, may be removed from consideration.
  • Innovation: Product and/or service is new (never been offered) or significantly changed (would deem a game-changer in its product class).
  • Functionality and Ease of Application: Product and/or service is easy to use, a go-to for builder and/or consumers.
  • Good Design/Aesthetic Qualities: Product has clean lines and is attractive for its purpose.
  • Realized Efficiency: Product and/or service will help the builder solve a specific issue, add to their bottom line, and/or solve a specific problem for the consumer.
  • Product Timing: Was this product brought to market in the last five years? Requirement to be finished. Product should have brought to market in the last five years (2017-2022).

BM&CC Judging Criteria

  • Level Playing Field. Judges will always take into consideration the level of commitment that can be afforded by each applicant – so that smaller or poorer areas have just as much chance of success as bigger or richer ones. Ex. Uganda versus Paris.
  • Global companies. (companies outside of the U.S.) Does this company offer products or services from professional designers, architects, product development companies, product manufacturers and/or other business in this industry worldwide?
  • Global Product. Is this a Building material, Construction Component, Exterior product, Interior Product, Technology solution, Mechanical, Appliance, Home Furnishing, etc.?
  • If this is a brand-new product, state the date on which it was released. If this is a new version of an existing product, state the date on which the update was released. (Must be released to market).
  • Does the home have products and/or services easy to use or apply for builders and/or consumers?
  • Good Design/Aesthetic Qualities. Product has clean lines and is attractive for its purpose.
  • Realized Efficiency. Product and/or service will help the builder solve a specific issue, add to their bottom line, and/or solve a specific problem for the consumer.
  • Unique Marketing Approach. Does the home have products and/or services that have been successfully marketed in a unique way?
  • Lessons learned. Have the lessons learned through this home building process brought about a positive change for the global home building market?

Entry Requirements:

Research and Global Exchange Award Eligibility Requirements

  • Eligibility: Open to Domestic and International influencers.
  • Eligibility: Ability to self-nominate.


  • Essay: In 500 words or less, describe how this person in the housing and community development field has made an outstanding contribution toward international understanding and exchange of international experience. Each nominee must have direct affiliation with the housing and community development field and have made an outstanding contribution to international understanding in housing and community development.
  • Accomplishments: In bullet-list form, a brief summary of up to ten (10) of the chief accomplishments of the nominee.
  • Required Supporting Materials: Letters or recommendation (if self-nominating).
  • Optional Supporting Materials: A collection of supporting files and web addresses that support your entry and provide more background information to the judges. These might be customer testimonials, press clippings, work samples, photographs, video clips (five minutes or less), etc.


  • Purpose. Did this person further the work of the Global Opportunities Board by recognizing a person in the housing and community development field who has made an outstanding contribution toward international understanding and exchange of international experience.
  • Each nominee must have direct affiliation with the housing and community development field and have made an outstanding contribution to international understanding in housing and community development.
  • Open to Domestic and International influencers.

Entry Requirements:

Special Purpose Project Eligibility Requirements

  • Special Purpose Project: This is a project with a unique physical design, special construction materials, or a layout that particularly adapts its utility to the use for which it was built? The land may be located in rural, suburban, or urban areas and may have the potential to be developed for commercial, industrial, agricultural, or special use. Although most building can be converted to other uses, the conversion of a special purpose project generally involves extra expense and design expertise. Such conversion may not be economically feasible or practical in many situations depending on a building’s design and special construction features. Special Purpose Projects include:
  • Eligibility Requirements: This project must have been completed outside of the domestic United States between Jan. 1, 2018 and Oct. 7, 2023. Previously entered winning projects are not eligible to submit again for the same category. Previously entered non-winning projects may enter again if they meet the criteria for the current year’s program.


  • Level Playing Field. Judges will always take into consideration the level of commitment that can be afforded by each applicant – so that smaller or poorer areas have just as much chance of success as bigger or richer ones. Ex. Uganda versus Paris.
  • Has the goal and/or purpose for the special purpose property, its relationship to its surroundings and local culture, any products that made a positive difference for the home building industry, innovative techniques and technology that solve building challenge(s), any protocols for sustainability, health and wellness, unique marketing of key features and amenities, evidence of success, etc.
  • International Project. Was this project completed outside of the domestic United States?
  • Age of project. This home must have been completed outside of the domestic United States between Jan. 1, 2017 and Oct. 7, 2023. Projects older than five years will not be considered. (No On the Board Projects Accepted).

Entry Requirements:

  • Up to 12 images that represent entry (to be used in awards show, website, PR)

Land Planning Eligibility Requirements

  • Introduction: NAHB Global Innovation Land Planning Award is open to residential and commercial property professionals from around the globe. The goal of planning is to maximize the health, safety, and economic well-being of all people living in our societies, how we can attract and retain thriving businesses, where we want to live, and opportunities for recreation. Planning helps create local societies of lasting value. While architects often focus on a single building, a planner’s job is to work with residents and elected officials to guide the layout of an entire district or region. Planners take a broad view and look at how the pieces of a locality — buildings, roads, and parks — fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Planners then make recommendations on how the local environment should proceed. One of the greatest challenges for planners is to imagine what can and should happen to a local environment: how it should grow and change, and what it should offer residents 10, 15, or even 20 years into the future. This award celebrates the highest level of achievement by companies operating in all sectors of the property and real estate industry who demonstrate excellence in residential and mixed- use land development. These projects promote excellence in planning and design. Projects include residential, office, commercial, and institutional developments that exemplify good site design, such as building placement, project context, parking and circulation, pedestrian amenities, landscaping, and sustainable design practices.
  • Eligibility Requirements: This project must have been completed outside of the domestic United States between Jan. 1, 2009 and Oct. 7, 2023. Previously entered winning projects are not eligible to submit again for the same category. Previously entered non-winning projects may enter again if they meet the criteria for the current year’s program. All projects may be located in rural, suburban, or urban areas and may have the potential to be developed for residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural or special-purpose use.

Land Planning Judging Criteria

  • Level Playing Field. Judges will always take into consideration the level of commitment that can be afforded by each applicant – so that smaller or poorer areas have just as much chance of success as bigger or richer ones. Ex. Uganda versus Paris.
  • Has this individual, organization or government addressed a commercial challenge?
  • Has the goal and/or purpose for the land planning, its relationship to its surroundings and local culture, any products that made a positive difference for the home building industry, innovative techniques and technology that solve building challenge(s), any protocols for sustainability, health and wellness, unique marketing of key features and amenities, evidence of success, etc.
  • International Project. Was this project completed outside of the domestic United States?
  • Building Phase. Has the project been completed or in progress? Those in design stage will not be considered.
  • Age of project. This project must have been completed outside of the domestic United States between Jan. 1, 2007 and Oct. 7, 2022. Projects older than 15 years will not be considered.